Dr. Kenji Ojima
Studies of Dentistry at the University of Showa (Tokyo-JAPAN)
Postgraduate student in Orthodontics at the University of Showa
- Own private practice as a specialist for Orthodontics in Tokyo, Shinjyuku and Hongo since 2007 with Dr. Dank, Dr. Nishiyama and Dr. Kumagai
- President of the American Academy of Cosmetic Orthodontics Asian Chapter
- Speaker in Japan, Italy and the United States
- President of the JAPAN Academy of Aligner Orthodontics
- Advisory Board of Ortho Accele
- Stdies with Prof. Dr. W. Schupp an dmore than 50 visits to Prof. Dr. W. Schupp and Dr. J. Haubrich in their practice in Cologne
2014 DGAO (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Aligner Orthodontie) Speaker
2014 JAAO (Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics) Speaker
2014 SIDO (Italian Society of Orthodontics) Best Oral Presentation Award
2015 Invisalign Diamond Provider
2015 TAAO (Taiwan Academy of Aligner Orthodontic) Speaker
2015 SGAO (Schweizer gesellschaft für Aligner Orthodontie) Sprecher
2015 Advisory Board of Ortho Accele Technologies, Inc.